Church Attendance in a Time of COVID
January 27, 2021We’re approaching one year since worship services were suddenly canceled due to our entire leadership being exposed to COVID and the school simultaneously shutting us out of the property. It has indeed been a strange year and we’ve all had to learn to make hard choices and unusual ones. One of those choices is the decision whether or not to attend weekly worship in person.
The Session has worked hard to provide an environment that is as reasonably safe as we can make it, while also communicating that the decision about Sunday morning attendance must rest with the individual or family. This approach has not changed for us and we believe it has served us well as a congregation. We are incredibly encouraged that our little church family has clung together through the difficulties and inconveniences. Most have been worshiping in person and the few who have not have almost all been faithfully joining us on Zoom each week.
As we anticipate the risk of COVID diminishing in the coming months, the question will naturally arise for those who are still worshiping on Zoom, “Is it safe to come back?” Thiswill remain a difficult question to answer. I want to offer one rather simple test you can apply, though, to help you think through answering it. Is worship the biggest risk you take each week?
A few of you may not be taking any risks. Perhaps you never leave home and family and friends rarely visit. Others, however, may be taking calculated risks throughout the weekas you leave the house and find yourself in public spaces. If you are taking risks - traveling, shopping, perhaps even gathering with others - are these activities of greater risk than attending church?
What I’m getting at is simply this: If you are willing to take calculated risks, then gathering to worship God ought to be the risk you are most willing to take. Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying everyone should be taking this risk. However, if you are trying to determine when it is time to take the risk, consider the rest of your week. As you press out into the world, consider the likelihood that corporate worship on Sunday is the risk most worth taking and therefore one which should be taken first rather than last.
I know the decision is more complex than this. I understand there are a lot of details to consider. What I offer here is just one consideration. Given the importance of the obedient, in-the-flesh, weekly worship of God, though, I believe it is an important one. Zoom is a blessing in its own way, and it allows us to be together in a sense. True corporate worship, however, requires us to be together physically as well. And we long for you to be with us as soon as it is reasonably safe to do so.
We trust that you will all make the best decision you can according to your conscience before God. Maybe now isn’t the best time to return for some. We want to encourage you, though, to be leaning forward in eager anticipation of the day when you can join us in person. I know we are praying for that day and are impatient for it ourselves.
Maybe one of the lessons God has for us to learn in all of this is an appreciation for the blessings of worshiping in person. Perhaps, having lost that blessing for a time, we have learned not to take it for granted.
If you’re wrestling with the question of when to return, please reach out to a pastor or ruling elder. We’d love to be a resource to you as you begin to think through that decision.
Have a great week!
Pastor Matt