ELI Report from Joel McCall
December 23, 2020We Finished an Amazing Week Teaching Hebrews to Rwandan Pastors!
What a week! From Monday, Nov 30 - Friday, Dec 4, I team taught with Dave Forbes and Todd Bradly. We got up by 3:15AM each morning (Todd rose at 2AM Nashville time) to begin team teaching at 4AM. My body screamed for more sleep but serving Jesus is worth infinitely more than a warm bed.
The conferences went extremely well with few hiccups on the Zoom technology. The translator was able to speak without delays over the internet. One day, the government came for an inspection which required us to shut down early on the second day. In spite of the challenge, we were able to make up for lost time by Friday.
Theophile summed things up when he said:
"Brother Joel, it was such a great blessing and joy to follow this book. It was so sweet. I really thank you for preparing this book for us. It has removed many uncertain things, beliefs. So especially when you came to chapter 6 where you talked about losing, or not losing the salvation. That was so so clear for them and they were so excited about that. We didn't want to finish (he laughs), it was like it was so sweet that we didn't want to leave it. But again, from the audience, they want to start the second part of this book soon as you can organize it...say early next year. That will help us to have the whole package of this book. Once again, the technology worked well...May God bless you"
Theophile went on to thank everyone.
While carrying out many other ministry areas with ELI, I am discipling other men here and overseas. One in particular is an Israeli pastor in Israel. God is richly blessing this time with this special brother who is leading a flock of Jewish believers and new converts in the northern part of Israel.
Year End Giving
As Theophile thanked everyone, I especially want to thank you for praying and partnering financially to make this happen. You have become the Lord's hands in making thispossible. You were indeed there with us at 4AM because of your faithfulness to Christ.
I would like to ask you to pray at the end of a crazy year for us, but not for God. Whenever we encounter hardships we also know that God is especially at work. Through difficulty the Father is always teaching His people to lean not on their own understanding and strength, but rather to lean into Him harder. His strength will always flow through us as we trust His Son.
Please consider a special year-end gift towards the upcoming work of 2021! Many thousands of believers are going to be blessed for eternity through these trainings.
With the uncertainty of our world today, we now have the opportunity to let go of this age in preparation for the next, truly right now counts forever - "for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." (Philippians 2:13). His pleasure is to prosper His Bride before He comes to take her to Himself.
Pastor Joel