God ordinarily works not only through the preaching of his word, but through the sacraments as well. In these sacraments—baptism and the Lord’s Supper—God gives us signs and seals of his promised grace toward us. In so doing, he strengthens us and builds us up for our vocation in the world until Christ returns.

Our Father knows our weaknesses, and so he gives us sensible signs and seals. Here we are using the word “sensible” to mean available to the senses. These are things we can see and taste and touch and smell. The word that is preached—particularly the gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of God for his people—is on display in the sacraments in a way that drives home the point and helps us to take greater hold of these truths.

What do we mean, though, by signs and seals? By signs, we mean that the sacraments show us the truth of God’s promises. They help us to understand better who we are, who God is, and what God has promised. By seals, we mean that they also serve to verify those promises. Our seal language is the same sort of seal as a King would use in the medieval age to show that a document really did proceed from his hand—it had authority. God’s seals are his sacraments. In them he not only shows forth the promises, but says, “These promises are mine, and I will keep them perfectly!” One of the best illustrations I’ve heard is that of an engagement ring. It is given to the betrothed as a pledge. It represents a promise to marry and also serves as a pledge to keep that promise!

So, as often as we come to the font in baptism, or the Table for the Supper, remember that in these very things, God is working in us to make us more and more like Christ. He is building us up until the day of Christ’s return!

Pastor Matt