I suspect few things can induce shame in a Christian as quickly as a pastor bringing up the subject of prayer. Few evangelical Christians would say they believe they pray enough. Some of that is because many don’t really understand what prayer is. Others may feel guilty or inadequate because they sense the importance of prayer and can’t imagine that they pray as often as they should (How often is that, after all?). And, of course, some feel shame because they don’t, in fact, pray.
Starting this coming Sunday, Pastor Nathan and I will begin an 8-week sermon series on prayer, taking a specific prayer from Scripture each Sunday and preaching through that prayer. Our goal is to help show what prayer is and see how it is modeled for us throughout Scripture. Perhaps in this way, God, by his Word and Spirit, will grow us in our practice of this important discipline. And maybe it will reduce our sense of shame as well!
Prayer is not merely one of the things we do as Christians, it was one of the primary means by which we commune with God! Through prayer, God transforms our hearts and minds to conform us to the image of Christ. This is why Christians for centuries have referred to prayer as one of the ordinary means of grace. That is, prayer is one of the ways that God ordinarily grows his people! Who we spend our time with changes us. Sometimes for good and sometimes for bad, but it always changes us. In the weeks to come, let’s consider how to best spend time with our Savior and be changed by him!
Your fellow servant of Christ,
Pastor Matt