Update From Joel McCall and ELI
April 28, 2021My next two weeks are reserved each Monday through Friday. It will be His time and my heart is full of praise to the Father for the open door to teach into Rwanda and the DR Congo. Twenty of the top pastors are traveling now throughout early morning to gather to focus on God's Word once again. The lockdowns were recently lifted by the government allowing 20 to gather for training at each location. Thus 40 total of key leaders will be impacted. This has taken a lot of prayer and patience to get to this point.
Thank you so much for your prayers, financial investment, and encouragement to make these next two weeks happen.
Back in December 2020 we completed the CCI training by Zoom on the first half of Hebrews, now we are moving on the second half of the book. Back in Dec we had barely finished on the second week of conference as the government officials arrived at the church and announced we had to stop the gathering. We prayed and requested them to allow us to finish the Biblical instruction that very day. They allowed it and God enabled us to adjust and complete the course on the second week.
The pastors exploded with gratitude for the powerful and deep content of this amazing portrayal of the Lord Jesus Christ. They immediately begged for the second half. God enabled the author of this course to complete his revisions, to then get the material translated in Swahili and Kinyarwandan.
Next to Romans and Ephesians, I do believe this is the most challenging book I have ever taught. So please pray for me, Dave Forbes (elder at Christ Covenant) and for Rich Goswiller (Elder at Brick Lane Church in Elverson, PA) as we begin early in the morning.
I can't wait to tell you what the Lord will do. Again, many of you have prayed and supported this instruction. Now join in prayer to see God do something profound and supernatural in a Covid-ridden Africa that is spiritually hungry after year of lockdowns. They are ready!
I have continued to disciple many men, one in particular is an Israeli pastor who also had struggled with pastoring in a nation on lockdown from Covid. Please pray for this unnamed brother as he is witnessing fruit from our times together over Zoom.
- Joel McCall
Please pray for:
-Prevention of Zoom glitches
-Success of our team teaching
-God to move the Rwandan government to act favorably to the believers and churches.
-Revival of the pastors and churches as God's Word in Hebrews explodes into their lives.
-Covid restrictions to ease allowing the ability to travel back to our brothers and sisters.