I, a lazy introvert, am nevertheless missing a lot of people and things these days.

I miss gathering on Sundays.

I miss moving tables around and sweeping the cafeteria. I miss making sure the chairs are all parallel in the gym. I miss Jonah faithfully saying to me, "You look handsome!" while I examine the chairs. I miss Todd messing up my perfectly-aligned chairs almost immediately.

I miss listening to Krista play the piano as we set up. I miss telling Colette I like her dress and trying to convince Merrimac that I just jump too quickly and powerfully for her to be able see the backflips I'm doing over the backboards in the gym. I miss the Hough boys—James choking me with "the Force" while William cackles as I pretend to be hurt. I miss watching Adah take charge over all of the younger children.

I miss the comfort of knowing Steve and Priscilla will be right behind my family and me each and every Sunday, worshiping and singing in earnest. I miss seeing and laughing with the men who have become my closest friends. I miss the ladies—Laura, Linda-Gail, Beth, Leslie, Jen, Alex, Mary, and more—with whom it has been such a joy to serve in the childcare rotation. I miss getting to witness, in real time, other parents struggling with their kids just like we do with ours.

I miss the in-person Gospel that's so faithfully laid before me each week by Matt and Nathan. I miss serving Communion. I really, terribly miss taking Communion.

We were not supposed to miss. We were supposed to have fellowship with the perfect giver of perfect gifts—God himself. There was no lacking in the Garden. We had it, and we lost it, and now we miss.

I want things to be different than they are. I want things to be as they should be. Brothers and sisters of All Saints, I miss you so much! If you are feeling the same way, let me remind and encourage you (and myself): A day is coming when all that should be will be. Our Father holds before us this promise about that day: "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God" (Revelation 21:3).

These times are difficult. Our God is sovereign, and he loves us. He keeps every promise he makes. In the meantime, I cannot wait to see and worship with you all again one day soon.
