Youth Ministry Vision

Our aim is to assist parents in discipling their youth as they grow in their knowledge, understanding, and experience of what it means to be a true follower of Jesus Christ by actively engaging in the church, in the Word, and in the world for the glory of God. 

We desire for the youth of All Saints to graduate high school well-grounded in the Scriptures and the Reformed Faith, to have a thirst for knowing God, a hunger to be ever more like Him, and to be prepared and eager to make Him known. These three characteristics represent three main goals of the Christian life as summarily revealed in Scripture. Below is our vision of what we are striving to see manifest in every student who comes through All Saints Presbyterian Church:

In the Church - Knowing God
●      To know God as their loving, Heavenly Father
●      To understand and exemplify a biblical fear of God
●      To love the Church, near and far
●      To believe in local church membership for life

In the Word - Becoming More like Him
●      A clear understanding of the Gospel
●      Anchored in a sound biblical worldview
●      Joyful competence in Bible study for lifelong discipleship
●      Strong foundation of key spiritual disciplines 

In the World - Making Him known
●      Prepared for the cost of following Christ
●      Growing in eagerness, confidence, and experience in sharing the Gospel
●      Growing confidence in defending the Christian faith
●      Experienced at least one overseas mission trip

One of the ways we are shepherding our youth toward these ends is to bring them alongside our adults in the life of our church. Sixth graders and older are encouraged to join our adult Bible studies. All youth are encouraged to participate in our church-wide prayer nights, our Sunday morning setup and breakdown, our Shepherding group meetings and other church-wide events.

Youth Gatherings:
For 6-12th graders, we have monthly youth gatherings every second Saturday evening from 5-7pm. These include a brief Bible teaching, pizza dinner, fellowship and games. We are currently doing a study on the attributes of God. We have other fun opportunities for kids of all ages throughout the year, which we communicate church-wide. Please contact Matt Bonner for questions about youth gatherings. 

High School Sunday School Class:
Our high schoolers are welcome in the high school Sunday school class or in the adult Sunday school class taught by the pastors and ruling elders. The high school class is taught by Barrett Jacques and is currently doing a series on the law of God. 

Middle School Sunday School Class:
Our middle schoolers are welcome in the middle school Sunday school class or in the adult Sunday school class taught by the pastors and ruling elders. The middle school class is usually taught by ruling elder Jay Hollis and is currently doing a survey of the Old Testament books.